First Holy Communion
While Catholics in the West today normally make their First Communion before they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the reception of Christ's Body and Blood, was historically the third of the three sacraments of initiation. This sacrament, the one we receive most often throughout our lives, is the source of great graces that sanctify us and help us grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is also sometimes called the Eucharist.
The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament in which Jesus Christ gives his Body and Blood – his very self – for us, so that we too might give ourselves to him in love and be united with him in Holy Communion. In this way we are joined with the one Body of Christ, the Catholic Church.
Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist on the evening before his death, when he gathered the Apostles around him in the Upper Room in Jerusalem and celebrated the Last Supper with them.
The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of the Christian Communion and, as Pope St John Paul II reminded us, is the source and summit of our faith.
Catholics often make their First Holy Communion aged 7/8 having undertaken a sacramental preparation programme.
To sign up for our preparation programme, which is for children in Year 3 - Year 6, registration in usually in September with the classes beginning in October. Children are expected to attend all sessions.
If you require any further information, please contact the Parish Office via email or on 01604 402301.